An Introduction

Hello, I'm Prakul Sharma. Needless to say, I thank you for taking out time to read this; I'll try my best to make it all worth your while. I'm an engineer majored in Information Technology from GGSIPU.

I'm currently working for a startup as a Data scientist where I build machine learning models and analytic platforms. Mathematics intrigues me. I like everything related to Science and Physics was my first love. As nerdy as I sound, you'll mostly find me playing a guitar and singing Hey, Jude or with a dog or next to a book or just simply staring at the sky in bewilderment at what lies beyond!

For a long time now, I wanted to find someone I can look up to, follow their steps, do what they do and become great like them. Unfortunately, I couldn't find one. Now, I try being one. So, welcome to my part of the internet, for this space is an effort to seek and explain solutions to the various conundrums I encounter in my life. And, if you like what you read, be sure to let me know, it'd mean a lot!
